In this post the sample Apache Pig script will display all unique job title in a descending order.
The examples and exercise scripts are created using Apache Pig current version r0.14.0.
@ Test data structure:
Please refer to Apache Pig learning series intro... post for the file structures, visit the reference section shown at the bottom of the post for more.
@ Sample data:
Employees data table:
Department data table:
@ Apache Pig Script:
List all employee display all unique job title in a descending order:
data = LOAD '/Documents/tbl_EMP.txt' USING PigStorage(',') as (empno:int, ename:chararray, job:chararray, mgr:int, hiredate:chararray, sal:float, comm:float, deptno:int);
all_jobs = foreach data generate job;
uniq_jobs = distinct all_jobs;
ordr_job = order uniq_jobs by job desc;
dump ordr_job;
@ Apache Pig Reference/s:
Thank you!
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